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"Just a few notes for your file on my dentures. My headaches have
been much less, also, no shoulder pains, digestion much improved and
nasal problems also improved since having my dentures." Mrs
"When I look at myself in the mirror I don't see an old haggard
face. I don't think I will ever be gorgeous but the whole face looks
better and makes me feel better." Patient - Mrs B.
"I feel more alive and fresh. My neck and shoulder pains have
improved greatly although my other symptoms have not improved as
much. I would recommend the technique to anyone." Patient - Mr
"I am delighted with my Added Dimension Dentures™. They feel so
comfortable. My mouth is shaping into a more relaxed contour.
Everyone says how well I look. Thank you for accepting me for your
wonderful treatment." Mrs J. H.
"I am amazed at th transformation achieved. My square face has
changed to a softer, oval shape. My lips are noticeably fuller, my
skin is smoother. Even my eyes look brighter. I feel and look years
younger." Mrs A. M. |